How are you?

No but really… How are you?    Sadly it feels as though this question has lost it’s real purpose. Absent-mindedly I both ask and am asked this question daily yet rarely offer a response more than a yeah ok, you?. That’s as deep as it gets. This autonomous exchange has become a superficial social glue to loosely acquaintContinueContinue reading “How are you?”

20 life lessons I learned in my 20s

There’s something about the departure of your twenties that instills a sense of apprehension that now’s the time to pull your socks up and enter a more mature phase of life. Whilst growing up it’s continuously reinforced to thoroughly enjoy being young (”you never get the time back”) but don’t for a second let go ofContinueContinue reading “20 life lessons I learned in my 20s”

On celebrating ourselves: I made it into a magazine!

I’ve never been particularly vocal about success or one to enjoy self-promotion, and inherently I have tended to downplay my achievements at risk of being perceived as self-important. I was taught to be humble and let evidence speak for itself, hence I let my actions speak louder than my words and I let the proofContinueContinue reading “On celebrating ourselves: I made it into a magazine!”

My 2018 motto

The words below were written on the back of a sugar packet in a cafe I found in Spain last Summer. el tiempo no se detiene mi espero por nadie, asi que no detengas tu vida por pequences, sigue adelante porque en este momento eres lo mas viejo que puedesser y lo mas joven queContinueContinue reading “My 2018 motto”