
Had a bit of an absence from blogging over the last couple of months as life has gotten oh so busy. Even though I thrive off living a fast paced & full life at times I really do have to make myself stop and look after my self. Even just for a couple of days.ContinueContinue reading “Lately.”

Less thinking, more doing: tips to jump start your motivated self

Recently i’ve been thinking a lot about what it means to feel motivated. What drives me to jump out of bed in the morning, energises me to workout or inspires me to write? A big part of me felt that the change in season might have been a catalyst to feeling a surge in energy,ContinueContinue reading “Less thinking, more doing: tips to jump start your motivated self”

Helsinki Hyyge

Hi Helsinki Just got back from my trip so sharing some of my snaps ❤ I had couple of days around a business event so aimed to exhaust the best bits of the Finnish capital with my limited time. Here’s what I got up to! Getting Hygge with it (side note: does anyone else wantContinueContinue reading “Helsinki Hyyge”

More Morocco Moments

A collection of pictures from my trip to Magical Morocco ❤ The Medina The Mountains Activities Embracing the local cultural (ish) Going green Colourful tid bits

How are you?

No but really… How are you?    Sadly it feels as though this question has lost it’s real purpose. Absent-mindedly I both ask and am asked this question daily yet rarely offer a response more than a yeah ok, you?. That’s as deep as it gets. This autonomous exchange has become a superficial social glue to loosely acquaintContinueContinue reading “How are you?”