
Had a bit of an absence from blogging over the last couple of months as life has gotten oh so busy. Even though I thrive off living a fast paced & full life at times I really do have to make myself stop and look after my self. Even just for a couple of days.ContinueContinue reading “Lately.”

Helsinki Hyyge

Hi Helsinki Just got back from my trip so sharing some of my snaps ❤ I had couple of days around a business event so aimed to exhaust the best bits of the Finnish capital with my limited time. Here’s what I got up to! Getting Hygge with it (side note: does anyone else wantContinueContinue reading “Helsinki Hyyge”

More Morocco Moments

A collection of pictures from my trip to Magical Morocco ❤ The Medina The Mountains Activities Embracing the local cultural (ish) Going green Colourful tid bits

My Morrocan highlights: where eastern culture hits the west

I’ve just returned from an amazing week in Marrakesh, which marks my first trip to Morocco (and well Africa too as it comes to it). Here are some of my best bits ❤ My new friend: Shakira the Camel ❤ This was definitely a highlight. I love animals and adore nature so combining camels inContinueContinue reading “My Morrocan highlights: where eastern culture hits the west”

A Great British Summer Weekend

For the last six weeks the weather has been pretty incredible across the UK, which for the Northwest is totally rare. Amazing for me because I’ve actually stayed in the country for the duration so have been able to fully embrace a great British summer! If you read my last post about some of myContinueContinue reading “A Great British Summer Weekend”